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Unlock the power of Trauma-Informed Conversations in the Legal and Case Management professions - with Dr Sarah Barker

Who is this for?

Perfect for professionals in the Legal and Case Management professions wanting to be at the forefront of current psychological approaches when communicating with clients and colleagues.

Why are Trauma informed Conversations important? - Trauma-informed conversations refer to interactions and communication strategies that take into account the potential impact of trauma on individuals. The approach is rooted in the latest understanding of the prevalence of trauma and its effects on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Trauma-informed conversations aim to create a safe, supportive, and empowering environment.

Where? - Online - Following sign up, you will be sent details for how to join the session.

When? - Tuesday 27th February 2024. 9.30am - 12.30am

Price? - £225 (+VAT) per person

About - Join our workshop lead by Dr Sarah Barker to gain essential skills for creating a supportive environment in your Practice and with clients. Learn to navigate sensitive discussions, enhance client interactions, and promote employee well-being. We'll explore conflict resolution, legal and ethical compliance, and strategies to mitigate potential risks. Elevate your practice by fostering resilience, empathy, and a culture of understanding. Ideal for legal professionals seeking to enhance client relations, team dynamics, and overall organisational success.

About Dr Sarah Barker

Dr Sarah Barker

Is an experienced Consultant Clinical Psychologist who has worked for over 28 years in the NHS and private practice.

Dr Sarah Barker (she/her) is an experienced Consultant Clinical Psychologist based in London, who has worked for over 28 years in the NHS and private practice. Sarah has extensive experience of working with individuals, groups and couples in the areas of complex trauma, PTSD, chronic pain and physical health, depression, anxiety, reactions to stress, OCD, and bereavement. Sarah is a published author and has and written on subjects such as chronic pain, chronic illness and psychological treatment approaches within dentistry. She has presented at national and international conferences.

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