If you are dealing with issues relating to Age, here are some useful organisations who may be helpful to you.
If you would like to delve further into the topic, we have provided some references and additional links to research undertaken by some of our team.
Reidy, J & Kirkby-Geddes, E. (2016). Validation of the seven item Life Essentials and Assessment Framework (LEAF-7). Sheffield Hallam University.
Kirkby-Geddes, E. E., & Macaskill, A. (2016). Voices of the Well-Elderly: A Qualitative Study of Psychological Strengths and Well-Being. International Journal of Behavioral Science (IJBS), 11(2).
Kirkby-Geddes, E.E. & Stenberg, N (2016) Realising the value of health psychology. Health Psychology Update, 26(2), 33-34.
Kirkby‐Geddes, E., King, N., & Bravington, A. (2013). Social capital and community group participation: Examining ‘bridging’and ‘bonding’in the context of a healthy living centre in the UK. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 23(4), 271-285.
King N, Kirkby-Geddes E, and Bravington A (2009) Evaluation of the impact of Paddock Pathways to Health membership on beneficiaries’ health, well-being and social functioning. Centre for Applied Psychological Research, University of Huddersfield.
Smith, G., & Rodham, K. (2022). Supporting and sustaining care at home: Experiences of adult daughters who support a parent with dementia to remain in their own home. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(1), 81-90.
Killen, A. (2021). Psychosocial support for people with dementia with Lewy bodies. Nursing and Residential Care, 23(5). Published Online: 7 Jun 2021, A., Flynn, D., O’Brien, N., & Taylor, J. P. (2021). The feasibility and acceptability of a psychosocial intervention to support people with dementia with Lewy bodies and family care partners. Dementia (London, England)., A., Olsen, K., McKeith, I. G., Thomas, A. J., O’Brien, J. T., Donaghy, P., & Taylor, J. P. (2020). The challenges of COVID-19 for people with dementia with Lewy bodies and family caregivers. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 10.1002/gps.5393. Advance online publication., A. & Macaskill, A. (2020). Positive ageing: to what extent can current models of well-being categorize the life events perceived as positive by older adults? International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology.
Killen, A., Flynn, D., De Brún, A., O’Brien, N., O’Brien, J., Thomas, A. J., McKeith, I., & Taylor, J.-P. (2016). Support and information needs following a diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(3), 495–501.
Killen, A., & Macaskill, A. (2014). Using a Gratitude Intervention to Enhance Well-Being in Older Adults. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(4), 947–964.
Killen, A., Firbank, M. J., Collerton, D., Clarke, M., Jefferis, J. M., Taylor, J.-P., McKeith, I. G., & Mosimann, U. P. (2013). The assessment of cognition in visually impaired older adults. Age and Ageing, 42(1), 98–102.
Killen, A. & Macaskill, A. (2020). Positive ageing: to what extent can current models of well-being categorize the life events perceived as positive by older adults? International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology.
Killen, A., Firbank, M. J., Collerton, D., Clarke, M., Jefferis, J. M., Taylor, J.-P., McKeith, I. G., & Mosimann, U. P. (2013). The assessment of cognition in visually impaired older adults. Age and Ageing, 42(1), 98–102.