Dr Gillian Smith
Chartered Psychologist
Dr Gill Smith ( she/her) is a Chartered Psychologist and is registered as a Practitioner Psychologist with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC). She completed a Professorial Doctorate in Health Psychology in 2019 at Staffordshire University. Gill works clinically with people who have, or who are supporting, family members with long-term health conditions and acquired brain injury. Her integrated approach includes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.
Gill has a nursing background and over thirty years’ experience working in public and private health care settings in administrative and management roles. She has experience in developing and delivering innovative training programmes for healthcare professionals and has delivered consultancy projects for the NHS and private sector health care organisations.
Gill leads the menopause series at Healthy You Ltd. She has experience of supporting organisations to develop menopause awareness in the workplace for employees and support managers/directors to consider how best to support their staff with this. Gill runs workshops and also offers bespoke training for organisations.
Currently, in addition to her role at Healthy You Ltd, Gill is an Associate Tutor for University of Essex Online, teaching on the psychology undergraduate programme and is involved with academic module content development and quality assurance for the university. She works independently as a consultant, providing teaching, training, behavioural interventions, service evaluations and collaborating on academic research proposals.
Gill is passionate about the impact of carer burden within families and healthcare professionals and has published work within this area. Her particular areas of clinical expertise and interest include supporting these people to develop management strategies and optimise opportunities for self-care.
You can find Dr. Gill Smith’s publications in the Resource section.