Deborah Franks
Chartered Counselling Psychologist
Deborah Franks (she/her) is a Counselling Psychologist who has vast experience working with people of all ages with complex difficulties. She qualified as a chartered Counselling Psychologist in 2005 at City University, London and has worked in variety of organisations such as schools, homelessness, she has been a clinical manager of a drugs and alcohol organisation and set up counselling psychology services for organisations such as prisons, drug and alcohol organisations and the NHS all over the country. She has also guest lectured at various universities all over the UK and as far wide as Portsmouth.
She specialises in trauma and mental health difficulties and other complexities within a Forensic Population using a neurobiological model. She also has a diploma in Complete Mind Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, Advanced Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and are qualified as a Rapid Results Pain Consultant and trained negotiator for the prison service.
Deborah has worked for the prison service since 2006 and now works for the NHS still within the prison service since 2020 and is currently the Senior Psychologist for the Psychological Therapies Service within a Forensic environment.